Our Academics
Uganda School for the Deaf offers primary education disciplines with pre-vocation skills in Carpentry, Tailoring, Home Sciences, and Agricultural Practice. The school also conducts Computer Training – ICT for the learners.
The School implements the Uganda ordinary Primary national curriculum using sign language as a medium of instruction and communication.
Literacy is the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute, using printed and written materials associated with varying contexts.
Science is a universal subject that spans the branch of knowledge that examines the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
Social Studies
Social Studies is the study of people and their environment. The environment in which people live and work has two components i.e. the physical and social environment.
Writing is a skill which helps learners put their thoughts. into words in a meaningful form and to mentally interact with the message. Writing is an integral part of learnin.
Sign Language
Sign language is any means of communication through bodily movements, especially of the hands and arms, used when spoken communication is impossible. The practice is probably older than speech.
English is a study of literature, media and language in which students critically and creatively engage with a variety of texts in all language modes
Mathematics is a subject that deals with numbers, shapes, logic, quantity and arrangements. Mathematics teaches to solve problems based on numerical calculations and find the solutions.
Physical Education
Physical education, often abbreviated to P.E., is taught in schools around the world. It is usually taught during primary school and encourages psychomotor learning by using a play and movement exploration setting to promote health and physical fitness.
Art & Crafts
Art and crafts is a wide variety of activities involving making things with one's own hands. Arts and crafts is usually a mixture of a hobby and Some crafts (art skills)